Tuesday 27 August 2013

Other MO drives

Other MO drives
There are other MO drives available. However, they are currently in a quite different price range
than the Zip drives.
In the last four years, we have heard about the LS120 drive and now it is finally available. It is a
Compaq 120 MB standard. It is supposed to replace the regular floppy drives. At the same
time, they read floppy diskettes much faster than the traditional floppy drives.
The LS120 ought to become the new floppy standard, but it has come to late. Soon we will
have the DVD RAM disks which holds from 2.6 GB and up.
Sony has a MO drive called HiFD holding 200 MB on a 3½" floppy disk. It also reads DD and
HD floppies.
Use the LS120 or the HiFD in new PC's - they are cheap and good for backup. The drives use
EIDE interface.

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