Tuesday 27 August 2013


Power On Self Test is the first instruction executed during start-up. It checks the PC components and that everything works.
You can recognize it during the RAM test, which occurs as soon as you turn power on.
As users, we have only limited ability to manipulate the POST instructions. But certain system boards enable the user to order
a quick system check. Some enable the user to disable the RAM test, thereby shortening the duration of the POST. The
duration of the POST can vary considerably in different PC's. On the IBM PC 300 computer, it is very slow. But you can
disrupt it by pressing [Esc].
If POST detects errors in the system, it will write error messages on the screen. If the monitor is not ready, or if the error is in
the video card, it will also sound a pattern of beeps (for example 3 short and one long) to identify the error to the user. If you
want to know more of the beeps, you can find explanations on the Award, AMI and Phoenix web sites.
POST also reads those user instructions, which are found in CMOS:

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