Tuesday 27 August 2013

The ROM chips

The ROM chips
ROM (Read Only Memory). The ROM chips are on the system board. They contain. system software. System software are
instructions, which enable the PC to coordinate the functions of various computer components.
The ROM chips contain instructions, which are specific for that particular system board. Those instructions will remain in the
PC throughout its life. They will usually not be altered. Primarily, they are start-up instructions. There are different parts in thestart-up instructions. For most users, they are all woven together. You can differentiate between:
l   POST (Power On Self Test)
l   The Set-up instructions, which connect with the CMOS instructions
l   BIOS instructions, which connect with the various hardware peripherals
l   The Boot instructions, which calls the operating system (DOS, OS/2, or Windows)
All these instructions are in ROM chips, and they are activated on by one during start-up. Let us look at each part.

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