Thursday 17 October 2013


1. Which device uses a DMA channel?

a) modem
b) sound card
c) laser printer
d) cable video tuner b a 0 11:11 

2. Which type of equipment or supply is usually recycled?

a) chemical solvents
b) CMOS battery
c) toner cartridge
d) CRT c a 0 11:11 

3. If you boot a computer but don't hear any beeps, what can you assume?

a) BIOS configuration was corrupted
b) The monitor is not powered on
c) The speaker may be defective or disconnected
d) This is normal c c 2 11:12 

4. Setting a printer in a hex trace mode helps to:

a) diagnose print quality
b) diagnose communication problems
c) check the printer emulation mode
d) reset the printer emulation mode b b 2 11:13 

5. The default I/O address for COM1 is

a) 2F8
b) 3F8
c) 220
d) 330 b b 2 11:14 

6. Which type of processor fits into Slot1?

a) P5
b) 486
c) Pentium Pro
d) Pentium II d d 2 11:15 

7. When is the risk of ESD greatest?

a) during an electrical storm
b) when humidity is high
c) just prior to an electrical storm
d) when humidity is low d a 0 11:16 

8. Roughly every 16 milliseconds dynamic RAM must be:

a) cooled
b) cached
c) refreshed
d) reloaded c c 2 11:17 

9. Which dot matrix component presents a risk of burns?

a) print head
b) control unit
c) drive motor
d) heater roller a a 2 11:17 

10. What is the best ground for a conductive workbench mat?

a) chassis ground
b) AC receptacle ground
c) workbench ground
d) tandem ground to another device b a 0 11:18 

11. Which of the following is a type of parallel port?

a) COM1
b) ECP
c) 10BaseT
d) RJ-45 b b 2 11:18 

12. After installing a new hard drive you get the message "Invalid media type". What should you use to correct the problem?

b) the diagnostics
d) CHKDSK a a 2 11:18 

13. If the memory slots have 168 pins, the chip is a:

a) DIP
d) DIMM d d 2 11:18 

14. What can happen if a power cable and a printer cable are too close together?

a) The parallel port may fail
b) The serial port may fail
c) The power supply may overheat
d) EMI may occur d d 2 11:19 

15. Before removing the case, you should:

a) check free disk space
b) record CMOS settings
c) record monitor settings
d) disconnect the network cable b b 2 11:19 

16. Which option best represents the levels of cache available in a Pentium Pro processor?

a) L1
b) L1 and L2
c) L1, L2 and L3
d) L1, L2, L3 and L4
e) L1 and L3
f) L2 and L3 b a 0 11:19 

17. Which piece of equipment will protect a computer from a deficient power sag?

a) grounded AC outlet
b) UPS
c) surge suppressor
d) UL-1449 rated outlet b b 2 11:20 

18. When replacing a fuser assembly in a laser printer, be careful because:

a) it could be electrically charged
b) it could be hot
c) the roller could have sharp edges
d) the toner could leak out b b 2 11:20 

19. Which is the bootable file of Windows Xp?

b) Ntldr
c) Ntoskrnl
d) Explorer.exe b b 2 11:20 

20. In inkjet technology, the droplets of ink are deflected by:

a) a multi-directional nozzle
b) electrically charged plates
c) high-pressure jets
d) eletrostatic absorption b b 2 11:21 

21. In inkjet technology, the droplets of ink are deflected by:

a) a multi-directional nozzle
b) electrically charged plates
c) high-pressure jets
d) eletrostatic absorption b b 2 11:21 

22. You suspect your telecommunications software is NOT dialing your modem properly. What is the AT command to have your modem dial 523-2407?

a) AT5232407
b) ATDT5232407
c) ATM5232407
d) AT5232407DT b b 2 11:23 

23. Which common bus specification provides the fastest data transfer rate?

a) VL-Bus
b) ISA
d) PCI d d 2 11:24 

24. For which laser component is it crucial to avoid exposure to sunlight?

a) drum cartridge
b) primary corona wire
c) transfer corona assembly
d) separation belt a a 2 11:24 

25. A parity error most likely indicates:

a) bad software
b) a bad hard drive
c) a bad RAM chip
d) a bad sound card c c 2 11:24 

26. Which of the following IRQs is likely to be used by a serial device?

a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
e) 5
f) 6 d c 0 11:26 

27. Which code is run first during the boot process?

a) DOS
d) shadow ROM b b 2 11:27 

28. What can you use to ensure the power is not interrupted briefly?

a) battery back-up unit
b) proper grounding
c) surge protector
d) data guard strip a a 2 11:27 

29. How many pins can a serial port have?

a) 15
b) 9
c) 20
d) 8 b b 2 11:27 

30. The default resource settings for LPT2 are I/O address:

a) 2F8 and IRQ7
b) 370 and IRQ9
c) 278 and IRQ5
d) 3F8 and IRQ11 c c 2 11:28 

31. Which processor would be used in a socket type 7?

a) Pentium
b) 786
c) Pentium II
d) 386 a a 2 11:28 

32. The modem did not hang up after being connected. What is the correct AT command to tell the modem to hang up?

a) ATH
b) ATM
c) ATX
d) ATD a a 2 11:28 

33. During bootup, the system displays "Fixed Disk Error". What is the likely cause?

a) a loose CPU
b) an incorrect setting in CMOS
c) an unconnected floppy drive
d) an incorrect setting in ROM BIOS b d 0 11:30 

34. In laser printer technology, what occurs during the writing stage of the image formation?

a) An alternating charge is applied to the drum
b) A uniform negative charge is applied to the drum
c) The print image is transferred to the paper
d) The print image is written to the drum d d 2 11:31 

35. Which of the following is also known as firmware?

a) DOS
b) Windows
d) ASCII c c 2 11:31 

36. In a full-duplex data circuit the direction of travel is:

a) one direction only
b) both directions sequentially
c) both directions simultaneously
d) both directions, but not simultaneoulsy c c 2 11:31 

37. A narrow SCSI chain can handle up to how many devices?

a) 4
b) 7
c) 8
d) 32 b b 2 11:32 

38. The power supply

a) modulates power spikes
b) converts DC current to low-voltage AC
c) converts AC to DC current
d) regulates the ground potential for ESD b c 0 11:32 

39. The correct handshake signal combinations used in serial data transfers are:

a) Data Terminal Ready and Data Set Ready
b) Data Terminal Read and Select In
c) Request to Send and Request to Receive
d) Acknowledge and Busy c c 2 11:33 

40. Which type of bus provides up to a 16-bit data path?

a) ISA
c) PCI
d) VL-Bus a a 2 11:33 

41. Roughly every 16 milliseconds dynamic RAM must be:

a) cooled
b) cached
c) refreshed
d) reloaded c c 2 11:34 

42. When testing a fuse, you should set a Volt-Ohm-Meter to which configuration?

a) ohms
b) amperage
c) AC volts
d) DC volts a a 2 11:34 

43. In laser printer technology, what occurs during the writing stage of the image formation?

a) An alternating charge is applied to the drum
b) A uniform negative charge is applied to the drum
c) The print image is transferred to the paper
d) The print image is written to the drum d d 2 11:35 

44. Setting a printer in a hex trace mode helps to:

a) diagnose print quality
b) diagnose communication problems
c) check the printer emulation mode
d) reset the printer emulation mode b b 2 11:35 

45. To improve the access time of the processor for frequently used memory locations and their addresses, you should upgrade the:

a) hard drive
c) ROM memory
d) cache memory d d 2 11:36 

46. A bi-directional parallel cable is an:

a) RS-232C
b) RS-241
c) RJ-45
d) IEEE 1284 d d 2 11:38 

47. A 9-pin DB connector is used for a

a) serial port
b) parallel port
c) VGA port
d) MIDI port a a 2 11:38 

48. ATAPI compliance is a standard for:

a) CPUs
b) modems
c) power supplies
d) mass storage devices d d 2 11:39 

49. What is a feature of Enhanced IDE?

a) up to six drives
b) parallel connections
c) high-speed floppy drives
d) ATAPI d a 0 11:39 

50. A valid SCSI ID for a SCSI-2 is:

a) 7
b) 6
c) 5
d) 8
e) 9
f) 10 a a 2 11:39 

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