Sunday 6 October 2013

How Networks Are Used

How Networks Are Used 
Network services: functions provided by a network
File services
     – Capability of a server to share data files, applications, and disk storage space
     – File server
Print services: used to share printers across a network
  Communications services
     – Allow remote users to connect to the network
     – Remote access server (also known as communications
server or access server) 
Mail services
     – Coordinate the storage and transfer of e-mail between
users on a network
     – Mail server. 
Internet Services  
    – Supplying Web pages, file transfer capabilities, Internet addressing schemes, security filters, and a means for directly logging on to other computers on the Internet 
    – Web server 
Management services: centrally administer management tasks on the network 
   – Traffic monitoring and control 
   – Load balancing

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