Tuesday 27 August 2013

The Setup program

The Setup program
You communicate with the BIOS programs and the CMOS memory through the so-called Setup program.
Typically you reach the Setup program by pressing [Delete] immediately after you power up the PC. That brings you to a
choice of setup menus. You leave Setup by pressing [Esc], and choose "Y" to restart the PC with the new settings. Generally,
you should not change these settings, unless you know precisely what you are doing.
The Setup program can do many things for you. You have to enter Setup, if you install a different type or additional disk drive
in your PC. Certain BIOS's will also need adjustment of its settings, if a CD ROM drive is installed on one of the EIDE
Modifying the boot sequence
You can change the boot sequence from A:, C: to C:, A:. That means, that the PC will not try to boot from any diskette in the
A drive. That will protect you from certain virus attacks from the boot sector. Also, the boot process will not be blocked by any
diskette in the A drive. If you need to boot from A-drive (for example, if you want to install Windows 97 ), you have to enter
Set-up again, and change the boot sequence to A:, C:. That is no problem.
Power Management
You also use the Setup program to regulate Power Management, which is the power saving features in the system board. For
example, you can make the CPU shut down after one minute of no activity. There are plenty of settings available in this areat

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