Tuesday 27 August 2013

MO drives

MO drives
Magnetic-Optic drives represent an exciting technology. The media is magnetic, yet very
different from a hard disk. You can only write to it, when it is heated to about 300 degrees
Fahrenheit (The Curie point)
This heating is done with a laser beam. The advantage is that the laser beam can heat a very
minute area precisely. In this manner the rather unprecise magnetic head, can write in
extremely small spots. Thus, writing is done with a laser guided magnet. The laser beam reads
the media. It can detect the polarization of the micro magnets on the media.
MO disks are fast, inexpensive, and extremely stable. They are regarded as almost wear-proof.
They can be written over and over again forever, without signs of wear. The data life span is
said to be at least 15 years. There are many MO drive variations. The most widespread is the
Iomegas Zip drive with the LS120 coming up.
The Zip

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