Tuesday 27 August 2013

History of the PC

History of the PC
Computers have their roots 300 years back in history. Mathematicians and philosophers like Pascal, Leibnitz, Babbage and
Boole made the foundation with their theoretical works. Only in the second half of this century was electronic science
sufficiently developed, to make practical use of their theories.
The modern PC has roots back to USA in the 1940's. Among the many scientists, I like to remember John von Neumann
(1903-57). He was a mathematician, born in Hungary. We can still use his computer design today. He broke computer
hardware down in five primary parts:
l   CPU
l   Input
l   Output
l   Working memory
l   Permanent memory
Actually, von Neumann was the first to design a computer with a working memory (what we today call RAM). If we apply his
model to current PC's, it will look like this:
An illustrated Guide to Motherboards

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